
Shocka! Glenn Beck Says Geert Wilders is 'Far Right', and the Far Right is 'Fascist'

jamesfirecat3/08/2010 5:23:06 pm PST

re: #3 Ojoe

I don’t mind the calligraphy and the blue tiled onion domes, and the really objectionable parts of some of Islam are already illegal in this country anyway.

How can you hate Minarets? Those things are nice! I think arcitecturere: #15 Slumbering Behemoth

The populist movements in the U.S., with the whole “I want my country back/return to our former glory” nonsense concerns me more than what is going on in Europe.

Not saying we don’t have problems of our own, I’m just saying at the moment it seems like more or less the entire world is f***ed….