
Frum: GOP's New Standard-Bearer is Marco Rubio

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines4/29/2010 9:46:54 am PDT

Karl Rove Endorses Creationist Florida Candidate Rubio (LGF, last October 5th)

To Marco Rubio, teaching evolutionary science to children is the first step to becoming just like Fidel Castro’s Cuba:

Rubio, a Cuban-American, made a comparison to the strategy employed by the Communist Party in Cuba where schools encouraged children to turn in parents who criticized Fidel Castro.

“Of course, I’m not equating the evolution people with Fidel Castro,” he quickly added, while noting that undermining the family and the church were key means the Communist Party used to gain control in Cuba.

“In order to impose their totalitarian regime, they destroyed the family; they destroyed the faith links that existed in that society,” he said.

Although the evolution issue is “obviously” on a “much smaller scale,” both matters are related to the “fundamental question of who is in charge of the upbringing of children. Is it parents or is it the government? I believe it’s parents. And we should do nothing in government that undermines that relationship.

“And there are parents that passionately believe in this and they should be given the opportunity to teach that to their children without someone undoing it,” Rubio said.

So, if parents also want to teach their children the virtues of incest, cannibalism, and human sacrifice, we should not allow the public schools to contradict those teachings either? Well, those things are against the law, creo-loons might sneer. Ok, how about racism, astrology, and the evil nature of housecats? All of those are espoused legally by certain people, no doubt including some parents. Should we avoid undermining those beliefs as well?