
Just One More Rush Limbaugh Racist Rant

theheat11/16/2010 1:47:41 pm PST

Obama’s School Lunch Program May Decrease Food Stamp Availability. I heard it on the news yesterday, and here’s the article.

Nationwide, more than 41 million people receive food stamps, nearly half of them children. The number of recipients has increased 51 percent since the recession began in December 2007. The average monthly benefit is $133 a person, about $4.40 a day.

The Senate bill would save $2.2 billion over 10 years by eliminating an increase in benefits provided by the 2009 economic stimulus law. Food price inflation has been lower than expected, so the increase could be ended early, in November 2013, proponents say.

Ellen S. Teller of the Food Research and Action Center said the cuts “would increase poverty and could increase obesity because shoppers would try to stretch their dollars by buying cheaper, calorie-dense food that has low nutritional value.”

I’d say the righteous fat fucks are safe, but this degree of national hunger is a tragedy. What does the mouthpiece of the GOP suggest? Dumpster diving. (And who says the GOPs don’t offer any real world solutions.)