
For Most Women, GOP Sonograms Will Require Invasive Procedure

Decatur Deb5/25/2011 10:41:14 am PDT

re: #11 Simply Sarah

I’ll be completely honest here. While I’ll fight against it as strongly as I can, I’m largely resigned to the idea that with the current state of the federal judiciary, Roe is on its way to being overturned in the next decade or two, which will be followed by blanket, absolute bans on abortion in many states, if not on a federal level. I’m not even sure Griswold itself and the rest its progeny are safe, which could mean the end of family planning and birth control in general.

A cynical view? Damn right it is. But the way things have been moving the last couple of decades makes it hard for me to feel otherwise.

Not if we elect the next several SC justices and nominate the next generation of Federal judges. In other words, GOTV.