
Santorum To Rape Victims: 'Accept What God Has Given You'

Targetpractice1/23/2012 1:35:31 pm PST

re: #11 elizajane

If you have an abortion, Rick Santorum will make darned sure that your life is ruined.

Back in the debauched, sin-filled 1980s and 90s, I remember quite a lot of conversations with friends of mine who had had abortions — when they were 15 and went with their parents, or when they were 20 and in college and went with their roommate, or when they were 25 and starting their career and went with their boyfriend. Nobody ever said that it had ruined their life or, in fact, been in any way traumatizing. One friend had had several abortions; she is now a happily married parent. Her life was in no way ruined.
Yet it’s been years since anybody has talked about such a thing with me. I don’t believe that my friends have ceased to have abortions (although we are getting older); they don’t even talk about ones in their past any more. The shame has become too great. This is where Rick Santorum wants to take us, and beyond.

Despite the claims, I’ve yet to see an unbiased study that shows that women who’ve had abortions suffer any more from mental illness than those who haven’t. The anti-choice crowd will swear up and down that women are becoming depressed and committing suicide from “murdering their child,” but they can’t prove it beyond anecdotal evidence.