
Romney Blogger Dan Riehl: 'If Joan Walsh Is Going to Open Her Mouth, She Should Do Something I'd Enjoy'

simoom5/26/2012 1:03:25 pm PDT

Dan Riehl also went with grade-school invective at Megan McCain, today:

McCain’s contextually weak, dumb and uncalled for attacks on Andrew Breitbart’s character deserve harsh rebuke, but the response to her light-headed attack on the word “extremist” should also be handled correctly. You’re damned right Andrew Breitbart was an extremist. It’s what made him effective and I’m just not in the mood to bow to the cultural creep he so often fought against. The response to Meggie Mc Big Fat Ass ignorantly throwing around the word “extremist,” especially in GOP politics, was written well enough in 1964 and it needn’t be reinvented to acquiesce to a misguided notion born of nothing more than a political correctness already embraced by too many Republicans and even conservatives.