
Overnight Video: The Emancipation of Prince

Mich-again7/25/2012 9:54:08 pm PDT

re: #19 simoom

maybe in this list then ..

Foreign Policy and National Security Advisory Team

(announced Oct. 6, 2011) Special advisors Cofer Black - Christopher Burnham - Michael Chertoff - Eliot Cohen - Norm Coleman - John Danilovich - Paula Dobriansky - Eric Edelman - Michael Hayden - Kerry Healey - Kim Holmes - Robert Joseph - Robert Kagan - John Lehman - Walid Phares - Pierre Prosper - Mitchell Reiss - Daniel Senor - Jim Talent - Vin Weber - Richard Williamson - Dov Zakheim. also regional and functional working groups. (added Nov. 29, 2011) Congresswoman ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart and former Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart.

Maybe one of them is a anglo saxophonist?