
FACTA UPDATE: United States, Japan Sign Protocol to Income Tax Treaty

Barflytom1/25/2013 8:58:15 am PST

re: #16 Interesting Times

The issue is whether the military should be forced accomodate a small, but rather loud minority, against the overall best interest of the country.

If you allow homosexuals to serve in the military, you’re increasing the pool of potential recruits by about 3%, but probably pissing off about another 20% (at least) of the active military who don’t want to serve alongside them. That’s the figure in the last survey I can remember seeing.

Southerners and blacks for example are much more important demographics for military recruitment, and neither of those groups are exactly famous for their fondness for the fudge-packing community, are they ?

And are these fearless warriors really unable to deal with being referred to as “buggers” ?

And btw, I don’t really have a strong opinion one way or the other about gays - the second person I hired over here was a lesbo (and rather a cute one too…)*. I just don’t see why institutions which have existed for centuries should be forced to change solely for the benefit of a small minority.

*Now you can call me a mysogynist as well as a bigot ! Or you could just get yourself a life instead….