
Alleged New Audio Recording of the Shooting of Michael Brown Surfaces: 11 Shots Audible

lawhawk8/26/2014 6:47:12 am PDT

If that audio is authentic, then Wilson’s got some explaining to do, which would never happen because of the 5th Amendment right against self incrimination. The pregnant pause between sets of shots would indicate that there was time to take any action other than fire the fatal shots. A call for backup. Something. Anything.

We have no indication that Wilson called for backup. Heck, it’s not like Wilson had to do anything more than reach down on his chest for the transmitter key and say, I need backup.

The FPD report doesn’t indicate any call. Doesn’t indicate that he was in trouble. Nothing.

It’s silent (on that and everything else).

Instead, we have audio that seems to show that Wilson managed to fire off two sets of shots, 11 in total, and 6 hit Brown. That’s more than a few (and debunks the nonsense that the STL county police chief Belmar’s claims that it was a few, but probably not more than that). Wilson essentially unloaded his firearm at Brown.

Since the county police took over the investigation, that means that the firearm should be in their possession. Do they have all 11 casings? Do they have all the bullets recovered from the scene, including those that missed?

Still, if this isn’t authentic, then the person(s) behind the audio has to be held accountable for putting it out there as though it was.