
Hannity Removes Belt and Smacks It on Desk During Segment on Peterson

iceweasel9/18/2014 7:50:07 am PDT

re: #190 Rightwingconspirator

Hi you two
My cabke provider totally upended my channel selection, and this morning I was quite annoyed to have to hunt for Al Jaz and BBC to hear about the vote.

Honest question from complete ignorance here-What is the risk (real or perceived) of vote count trouble? News here claims it’s really close which is worrisome in any important vote.

Hey RWC! BTW, the BBC’s coverage of the referendum has been shockingly biased— all kinds of time given to the No campaign, very little attention paid to the Yes campaign. If Scotland votes Yes it will be despite the entire media establishment here being against them— only one newspaper has come out as being in support of the Yes campaign.

Re: your question— no one is talking about voter fraud or anything like that— it’s a paper ballot which will be hand counted (!) — one reason why the results won’t be in anytime soon.

I’ve been amazed at how amicable the whole situation has been— when we were voting this morning there were two guys outside the polling station, one for Yes and one for No, handing out leaflets— and inbetween the two of them were chatting completely amicably about their families, etc.

I did see some asshole No voters yesterday who were trying to provoke a fight at a Yes rally, but in general it’s been amazingly peaceful, considering what’s at stake.