
Trump Triples Down on Racist Attack Against "Trump University" Lawsuit Judge

KerFuFFler6/03/2016 5:03:06 pm PDT

re: #116 Skip Intro

Long read, but worth it.

Too Sick To Lead: The Lethal Personality Disorder Of Donald Trump

Excellent! For those short on time, these paragraphs showcase a central reason Trump is unqualified:

Which brings us to a central problem of Trump’s warped psychology - he believes that filling the presidency requires nothing but the wonder of himself. This gives the lie to GOP’s most craven rationalization of its own capitulation: that a suddenly docile Trump will, as president, defer to a cadre of wise and experienced advisors drawn from the party establishment.

This is pernicious nonsense. Consistent with his character disorder, Trump proudly insists that his chief advisor is himself. Even were he so inclined, in order to learn from others he must know enough to discern good advice from bad. But such is his pathology that he feels no need to learn much of anything from anyone. And so, from the beginning, he has plunged us down the bottomless rabbit hole of his intellectual emptiness.

His ignorance and grandiosity form a lethal compound. He disowns NATO, unaware that he is playing into Putin’s hands; blithely proposes nuclear proliferation in Asia; muses aloud about using nuclear weapons; and imagines negotiating one-on-one with North Korea’s psychotic leader. He proposes a trade war potentially ruinous to the world economy. He abets ISIS and Al Qaeda by scapegoating all Muslims at home and abroad. Oblivious to the appalled reaction around the globe, he promises to compel the respect of world leaders through ” the aura of personality.

No president can stay on top of every issue by himself; they need competent cabinets and a willingness to listen to them!