
Stephen Colbert on Trump's Inability to Find a Good Law Firm: "He Won't Pay and He Won't Listen"

Interesting Times6/10/2017 5:04:35 pm PDT

re: #192 MsJ

Holy. Shit.

Please let that be true.

That was 100 tweets worth reading. Seriously. Read it.

Meh. It read more like wishful thinking and rationalizing after-the-fact to me. I mean, to boil it down to its essence:

1) There’s no way all the polls could’ve been wrong so Russia must’ve hacked vote results*
2) All looked lost, everybody seemed to be going along with the shitshow
3) Oh look, Comey wasn’t a trump lackey after all
4) We’re going to get REAL RESULTS any day now!!1!!

Uh…yeah. I’ll believe it when I see trump and the GOPers face ACTUAL CONSEQUENCES for once.

*Don’t we keep hearing from official channels that, “yes, Russia tried, but didn’t alter vote results”? If they did, prove it, if not, stop sending us down this rabbit hole and filling people with the false hope that the election results can magically be rendered null-and-void. The real election fraud happened the old-fashioned way: voter suppression and gerrymandering. The GOP is perfectly capable of pulling that garbage without Russia’s help.