
We Go Live to Trump's Sweaty, Batshit CPAC Rant, Now Still in Progress After Almost Two Hours

Renaissance_Man3/02/2019 5:06:30 pm PST

re: #170 Belafon

I’m sure he’s consuming less oxygen than any of the rest of us (this one might be too subtle for his followers).
He hasn’t started WW3, though he keeps trying.
He’s showing everyone that Mitch McConnell is a power grabbing white supremacist.
He’s making it harder for anyone to believe that the GOP cares about laws, the government, or the country.

I’m sure there’s a whole lot more nice things we can say about him.

I can think of only one genuine one. His ambition. He is a pathetic and stupid man with no particular ability at anything, and I suspect that he knows this deep in his heart. The way he brags continually, overcompensating about everything, while trying desperately to cover the truth (such as threatening those who know his grades) is telling. And it is also true that as a result of being weak and stupid, the only reason he has ever had any success is because of the enabling of others. Yet despite knowing how feeble he is, he has always had ambition far in excess of his ability. And ambition can be a laudable thing.

I thought about this as a result of the question that was asked in the debates, where both were asked if they could say anything nice about their opponent. If that were the question to me, that’s how I would have responded.