
Trump Toady William Barr Tries to Explain His Coverup of the Mueller Report [LIVE VIDEO]

KGxvi5/01/2019 1:51:19 pm PDT

re: #190 steve_davis

that scene would have been so much better if she’d just killed him. the audience knows she is no man. standing there trash talking while the wraith is still alive just seems like dangerously unnecessary showboating.

I think the scene needs the line, the wraith falls because of hubris and being told “I am no man” is when it realizes it lost because it didn’t consider the actual meaning of “no man can kill me.”

Whether she says it before or after she strikes the blow is an interesting storytelling question (before if we the audience don’t know who it is; after if we do is probably the right answer). But either way makes the scene better, I think.