
Rachael Price in Paradise: Nobody's Stopping You Now [Acoustic in the Garden]

Targetpractice1/30/2021 5:37:57 am PST

re: #198 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

Of course. We all knew it. We even detailed exactly what was going to happen before it happened: He would be ahead on election night, he’d come out and say he won and to stop the counting, and then he would start suing people when the count inexorably continued and the mail-in votes started to tip the results in the other direction. It was a little terrifying how accurate we were, to be honest.

There were a few things that came as a surprise:

- That most court cases ended when the courts absolutely refused to entertain his claims

- That the SCOTUS bench would treat those cases as radioactive instead of trying to contort the laws to help him in any way

- That Repub state officials and even legislatures would choose to obey the law and the will of the majority rather than trying to cook the books