
Video: Gregg Says Obama Will Bankrupt America

keeping it simple3/22/2009 12:36:58 pm PDT

re: #199 alegrias

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If America were the third world, Republicans would take their chairs & throw them at the Democrats, but—-Republicans are in the MINORITY now & don’t get the microphones, the chairmanships or much respect in Congress.

I take your point. I think I’m so frustrated because we don’t seem to have a voice even outside of congress. I used to think Fox News was our strongest pulpit but now I’m just as frustrated with their anchors as I am with our elected officials. Their voices are either not loud enough or they are lacking in conviction by trying too hard to stay “fair and balanced”. It’s naive of me and even a bit childish but I’m hoping to see the Cavalry riding over the hill to come to our rescue just as they once did in the old Western movies. What we need is a HERO.