
Onion: Special Boy with Freakishly Large Brain Wins Spelling Bee

njdhockeyfan5/08/2009 8:00:29 pm PDT

re: #157 Killgore Trout

Here’s an interesting idea from CNN…..
Wingnuts of the week

Wingnuts are also posting in the comment section.

gangbox May 8th, 2009 7:46 am ET

Problem is, the Zionist lobby really DID target Congresswoman McKinney for defeat (in a district where very few Jewish people live).

And the reason they targeted her is because of her opposition to US military aid to the brutal Israeli Army and it’s genocidal occupation of the Palestinian Territories.

And Rahm Emanuel really is a hardcore Zionist, who – if he had to choose, would pick Israel over the USA in a heartbeat!

Sorry, Congresswoman McKinney is not a “wingnut”!