
Memorial Day 2009

Macker5/24/2009 12:05:32 pm PDT

re: #172 redc1c4

17 days? there’s a story there, somewhere……. %-)

As a matter of fact, there is.
I went to Great Lakes NTC in Illinois to start Boot Camp. I went in as a Nuke candidate, and on Friday the 13th of October, 1978, after our initial medicals, they pulled all the Nukes for a secondary exam by a Navy Ophthalmologist. It was there I found I had keratoconus. They sent me to a civvie for a second opinion, which he concurred, and so I was unable to continue.
17 days in. 17 when I went in, and 17 when I got out. But I was at least willing to sign away my life and Constitutional rights away for six years, and I’m glad for that.