
Bachmann Links Census to Japanese Internment

alegrias6/25/2009 12:56:45 pm PDT

re: #172 reloadingisnotahobby

Democraphic are only worth they’re wieght in skunk shit if the
answers are HONEST!
How many illegals are going to fill in” Are you an illegal Alien”
with” Sie!

* * * * *
I speak Spanish and just this week
I have seen on tv Latino community organizers telling spanish speakers to participate in the census so all will be counted.

Democrats want all 20 million non-citizens counted as well as citizens.

Some spanish speakers don’t quite believe their democrat promises, but there you have it.

Spanish speakers are being promised goodies if they participate, and I trust Obama to deliver to his SEIU and union members including non-English non citizens.

It’s a numbers game, and its what community organizers do, including counting the votes of dead people, as the old joke goes.

WHO is surprised here?