
Terrorist vs. Terrorist in Gaza

Samson8/15/2009 12:20:55 pm PDT

Just in case anyone was wondering how long it would take to blame Israel for this:

“Haniyeh described the group as one that took advantage of youth and infused them with “strange ideas” based on acting against so-called atheists in a violent way. In all ways, he added, this came about because of the Israeli siege on Gaza, and the war Israel perpetrated against the people of the Strip. He said the dire conditions fostered negative thinking in younger generations.”

He also said:

“Members of the group had worked against the government, described it as unreligious and armed themselves in opposition,” the de facto Prime Minister said at a conference on Saturday. “These were radicals who blew themselves up in the midst of security officers,” he said.

So, if I understand this correctly, it is OK to kill radicals who blow themselves up in the midst of security officers. I see…