
Barton Apologizes for Apologizing to BP for Obama's 'Shakedown'

Amory Blaine6/17/2010 3:01:11 pm PDT

re: #191 alexknyc

Same with my wife. She taught 8th grade science for a year in one of the worst middle schools in the city I live. I chaperoned her class to the “IMAX” theatre at the museum here. 3 of the girls in her class were pregnant. I was making more money than her and I was basically a glorified ditch digger at the time.

The last straw was when her students broke into her desk and threw all her research for the Masters she was working on out the windows. My wife cried all the time, spent our money on her students and worked about 70 hours a week. No shittier job than an inner city teacher.