
Good News: Amazon Reinstates California Associates' Accounts

William Lewis10/03/2011 7:27:10 pm PDT

re: #190 LudwigVanQuixote

Just reading the descriptions…

These are some heavy blades. YK-30 is a very hard tool steel used to make metal punches and drill bits.

So some tradeoffs - you will have to check the temper and read reviews. 13” is right on the border of how long you would want a blade that hard. I am wary about the price being so low for something that will require a good temper.

On the other hand, it will carry a very sharp edge that will slash very effectively. The tip though should not be used on any hard target because it will chip guaranteed with that edge shape. I don’t know knives nearly as well as swords, but a serious question does apply… what do you want it for?

If it is a show or martial arts piece than it is likely a good buy. If you plan on using it, there are better tools.

Good question. I’ve not been active duty for a long time so no hardcore use. I prefer firearms for self/home defense. So mostly show & some MA exercise I’d like a decent longer piece but have family budget constraints. I heard of the longer one from a gentleman currently in the Airborne. Apparently they are popular in room clearing in Afganistan according to him. I then looked around there and saw the shorter one.

I’m familier with the company and carry a 3.8” folder from them but that’s getting into a different range so I thought I’d bounce them off of you.