
Friday Night Science Video: The Higgs Boson Explained

NJDhockeyfan7/07/2012 8:29:10 am PDT

Will they never learn? Thrill-seekers gored at Running Of The Bulls festival

One thrill-seeker was gored in a leg and four others injured as this year’s Pamplona bull running festival kicked off today.

Thousands of adrenaline-fueled runners raced ahead of six fighting bulls in the streets of the northern Spanish city as part of the San Fermin festival, officials said.

Runners, in traditional white clothing and red kerchiefs around their necks, tripped over each other or fell in the mad daredevil annual rush along early morning dew-moistened slippery streets to the city’s bull ring.

One youth got the top of his shirt caught on a bull’s horn, inches from his face, and was dragged several yards along the ground, but was seen to get up and run away.

The gored runner, meanwhile, was taken to a local hospital and four others were treated for cuts and bruises, Red Cross spokesman Jose Aldaba said.