
Breitbart's John Nolte: The Epitome of Right Wing Class

Sionainn, Warrior Mother7/07/2014 4:14:39 pm PDT

re: #150 lawhawk

Over the weekend, there was a tv show on, “How the States Got Their Shapes”. There were obvious points made about the Mason/Dixon Line, how the Missouri Compromise set the borders and trimmed more than a few states, but they also repeatedly pointed out how a whole boatload of states got their shapes because they were captured from foreign countries or were independent republics.

New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, California. All part of other countries before becoming part of the growing US. More folks than not are immigrants to those states. They’re not native born to those states. They came from somewhere else - immigrants.

Add to that the Murietta nitwits blocking federal officials from carrying out the law by processing individuals that are eventually supposed to be deported, and you’ve got a total mental breakdown by the right wing on immigration (along with pretty much every other issue).

It was very interesting when I was in Santa Fe a few weeks ago. I met a man whose family had been in the area since the 1600s.