
Monday Night Art: Steven Wilson, "Routine"

lawhawk11/03/2015 8:41:25 am PST

So, a relative to Ike supports Carly? As if that means anything?

Carly’s polling is back in the low single digits. She’s got next to no support, but her PAC is busy churning out puff pieces like the one above.

Considering that Ike was a successful US general whose leadership skills are unparalleled, whose military experience included running Allied military campaign in Europe, and had a keen understanding of politics, bureaucracies, and how to get things done against difficult odds, Carly’s PAC is hoping the name alone will give her a boost.

Problem is that Carly has none of the same skills. She might be a good saleswoman, but even that’s debatable. Her own board put the kibosh on a hugely awful deal to acquire a consulting firm at an outlandish price (which IBM bought for a fraction of the price Carly was willing to pay). Carly’s tenure at HP was wrought with more problems, especially a poorly conceived merger with Compaq, resulting in offshoring jobs and 30,000 jobs at HP being lost.

You know who liked the Compaq/HP merger? Dell and Apple.

And then there’s her stint at LU, which was uneventful if you consider that most of the damage done occurred after she left - accounting gimmicks started on her watch helped implode the storied Bell Labs successor. Yeah, that’s some record on which to run.