
Intense Pop Noir: Yebba, "Boomerang"

steve_davis8/29/2021 5:39:51 am PDT

re: #58 A Mom Anon

Wishes do come true!

This is every fucking shade of awful for no reason there is. I cannot grasp at all how they won’t get vaccinated but they will literally drink injectable ivermectin.!Which will kill them or do huge damage to their bodies. Not that this society couldn’t stand to lose a whole lot of mean idiots, but how damaged do you have to be to do this shit?

It’s because, as I was recently saying to the dean, stupid people are stupid because they are stupid, not because they determined somewhere it was an advantageous life choice. They literally lack the capacity to analyze two outcomes, two choices, and to arrive at the decision to take the better one. If I were, god forbid, diagnosed with cancer tomorrow, I would weigh everything up—challenges of treatment, actual extension of a life with quality based on that treatment, etc., and determine if I want to pursue that or maybe just go to a pawn shop, buy a .38 and stick it in my mouth. That’s because like other smart people, I understand how to weigh risk, benefit for the most part. Stupid people just honest to god can’t do that. They’re like watching a dog trying to untangle its tether from around a bush.