
Covering the Churchill Trial

Nevergiveup3/10/2009 9:48:59 am PDT

re: #190 bolivar

Bill Mahar right? That worthless pos. I almost canceled HBO because of him and just might yet. I have emailed them and got no reply. He is not nor has he ever been funny - not even remotely so. His kind of snark and ass sucking just makes me want to throw things (at the tv mainly).

Well he was all that last night, but he was funny at times. The moderator was in the bag for the libs and of course the audience was also. I’m a capitalist so I understand Coulter wanting to rake it in, no problem there, but she was not really prepared and is hurting our cause ( of course since this is NYC, ain’t gonna be any hearts and minds won over anyway but still ). Her speech really was just a rehash of the CPAC speech she gave last week.