
Obama's First Supreme Court Pick: Sonia Sotomayor

lawhawk5/26/2009 10:10:35 am PDT

There’s more to dislike than like about Sotomayor’s selection by President Obama. Some of her decisions are all over the map, but she’s still qualified to be on the court, having spent a decade on the Second Circuit, which is one of the circuits least likely to be overturned by the Supreme Court (as opposed to the 9th, which is most frequently overturned).

Her statements aside from the court decisions show that she’s easy to provide quotes - which isn’t always good (and can make for fodder during the confirmation process).

She isn’t a hack like Bush’s failed nomination of Harriet Miers, but it will be interesting to see if she handles the confirmation nearly as well as Roberts or Alito.

It will also be interesting to see if any skeletons surface.

As it is, there are some rumors that Democrats might not be willing to back her, but I find it farfetched unless it’s part of the game to make Obama move even further to the Left than Sotomayor.

BTW, for those reports who say that Sotomayor would be the first Hispanic, I should direct your attention to Benjamin Cardozo (who also happened to be Jewish). He was of Portugese descent.

Besides, any nomination is historic by definition. Enough with the gender, race, religious mix on the court. We should demand nothing less than the best qualified to be on the bench. Pandering to a particular community is part and parcel of politics, but the reports should at least be honest on this particular point.