
Farmers Insurance Pulls Beck Ads

turn8/19/2009 11:26:24 am PDT

re: #7 zombie

“Why? I believe it is part of an ideological bias: most mainstream networks and newspapers tried their best during the Bush administration to portray the anti-war movement as mainstream and moderate; whereas now they are trying to portray the anti-tax and anti-health-care-bill protesters as extremists and as fringe kooks. To achieve these goals, they essentially suppressed any mentions of the violent signage (including threats to Bush) at anti-war rallies, but have highlighted anything that could even conceivably be construed as a threat at anti-Obama events.”

Spot on as usual zomb, great work. The only thing I would comment on is that quite a few conservatives seem to be doing a great deal to support the extremist and fringe kook portrayal right now.