
Breaking: House Passes Health Care Bill

Achilles Tang11/07/2009 8:49:55 pm PST

re: #165 cliffster

I don’t need DC to tell me to do good for my fellow Man. I do it on my own. What about you?

What, you want a competition on who donated the most turkeys for the poor at thanksgiving, or clothes to the Salvation Army (with tax deductible receipts)? Who paid the most taxes? What?

Your words suggest you resent having a system that helps other citizens. We have had such systems for years. Do you object to being forced to pay unemployment insurance, disability insurance, social security insurance, road tax, car insurance, taxes and more?

Health insurance is the biggest remaining hole in the principle, and while I can accept that one system or another may have flaws, your attitude of absolute rejection on some principle that ignores what you already do on the same principle…well it irritates me because you are not contributing to the argument.

Go drink some tea .