
Fail of the Day: Radar's 'Exclusive Breaking News'

Killgore Trout3/04/2010 1:08:35 pm PST

The Party of No says “no’ (again)….
House Republicans Support Restraint and Seclusion For Children

House Republicans gave their senate cohorts a run for their scum-sucking money when they refused to support H.R. 4247, the Preventing Harmful Restraint and Seclusion in Schools Act.

The bill passed, but 153 House Republicans, so intent on saying no to any legislation introduced by a Democrat, couldn’t bring themselves to agree that children in school shouldn’t be tied up, drugged, or isolated in order to discipline them.

The reason for voting against the legislation? Tyranny, religious oppression and the radical homosexual agenda, of course….
House Passes Bill That Intrudes on Private and Religious Schools

While acknowledging that preventing harmful restraint and seclusion is noble, Andresen Blom, the Executive Director of American Principles in Action, indicated that the expansion of federal regulations is deeply misguided:

“With radicals like Kevin Jennings being given powerful positions in the Department of Education, the last thing Americans need in the clumsy hands of the federal government is our private and religious schools. 80% of Catholic parochial schools as well as a large number of independent private schools accept some form of funding from the federal government. Americans do not pay their hard-earned money to private schools in order to subject them to burdensome and subjective regulations written by unelected federal and state bureaucrats. This is nothing less than another egregious federal power grab that intrudes on private and religious education.”