
Boehner to GOP: 'Behave Like Grown-Ups'

Spare O'Lake3/22/2010 10:57:24 am PDT

re: #180 Shiplord Kirel

Yikes! The wingnut-o-sphere has gone completely apeshit even by their rarefied standards.
These are new string titles posted at Free Republic just during the last half hour:

Attorneys general in 12 states poised to challenge healthcare bill (for starters)

State AGs Start the Road to Repealing Obamacare

Calm Despair(John Derbyshire on HCR)

My Thoughts on Watching the Dems Stab the Constitution on the Congressional Floor(Ben “Expelled” Stein)

Useful Idiot Geraldo Rivera Is Giddy After Dems Vote to Nationalize Health Care (Video)

Rush Limbaugh: “We Need To Defeat These Bastards” (Video)

Parnell: Governor Comments on National Health Care(Alaska)

Vanity: Did the Dam Burst Sunday Night?

The Fort Sumter Healthcare Vote

The constitutional issue may well be a real one.
Federal vs State rights.