
Arizona's White Nationalist Senate President Russell Pearce Gets the Boot

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/09/2011 3:45:30 am PST

re: #198 000G

It’s like a textbook example on how to vilify a group until even ordinary citizens are okay with you mistreating them. You ostractize them from society, enact special laws and taxes against them to ‘control’ them thus driving them further into poverty, and act all surprised and morally shocked when they have a higher rate of petty crime. Then you wait for any member of that community to commit a major crime—or, hell, just blame a major crime on them— and sweep through busting heads, burning camps with populist fury behind you.

This has been going on in Europe for a thousand years and more against the Roma. And even at the height of the economic and political success of the EU they were barely doing more than talking up how much they were going to help them. Most of the time they bemoan that they “can’t” be helped because of their culture.