
The biggest Benghazi lie falls apart

Justanotherhuman9/20/2013 6:07:03 am PDT

This Neo-Nazi party is the third largest in Greece.

Greek police want to check Golden Dawn phone calls over rapper death

“The government on Thursday passed on to Greece’s highest civilian court a file containing 32 cases of suspected crimes linked to members of Golden Dawn, including four knife attacks on immigrants, one of which was fatal.

“Judges are expected to investigate whether these incidents form the pattern of a criminal organization. According to court officials, this would not lead to a direct ban of the party but raise penalties on those who instigated and perpetrated them.”

I wonder why a “criminal organization” wouldn’t be banned from practicing party politics? Seems a bit strange. Instead, they take a sort of “starve the beast” approach. If individuals within the party are convicted of crimes, especially of those violent ones noted, why wouldn’t it be banned?