
Too Cute Not to Post: "Puppy Love"

Decatur Deb1/30/2014 4:59:38 am PST

re: #201 Pie-onist Overlord

My mahutenesteh (that’s Yiddish for my kid’s mother-in-law) runs a preschool in Birmingham. When all the parents were stuck on the road, she brought all the kids to stay at her house for the night.

My granddaughter was thrilled! She thought she was getting a surprise birthday party!

Some of the kids were scared, but my son’s mother-in-law baked cake & cookies, & said they were having a party.

Sounds like the neighbor who is ‘sitting’ my grandson. They have three preschoolers, several others up to teenage sheltered there. Daughter2 has offered the dad, the only male adult, her empty place as a refuge from the refuge.