
John Oliver Examines the Freaky Stuff Going on in State Legislatures

ObserverArt11/04/2014 3:51:47 am PST


Listening to the mixed-message morning news first thing and I am already confused. Their first election day report was about how a low turnout is expected. About 15 minutes later they are reporting that so far the turnout for early voting here in Franklin County (Columbus Oha Metro area) has been up over the last midterm.

I think if early voting is up, then that just might be an indication that the turnout might not be bad at all.

And if Franklin county is up, that means people of color are coming out to vote, which was evident by the images they were showing of the early voting center over the weekend. It looked very busy, and surprise surprise they had registration computers glitching and holding up the proceedings.

Hoping for a surprise.