
Yes, PJ O'Rourke Endorsed Hillary Clinton Today

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷5/08/2016 3:40:42 am PDT

re: #200 Timothy Watson

Didn’t we fight a Civil War over this state nullification nonsense Roy Moore is pushing?

And his claim is there is a dispute between state courts and Federal courts (well, his state court anyway) and thus it needs to be resolved.

How one might ask the esteemed suspended jurist of the Alabama Supreme Court how this conundrum could be resolved? If there was only some rule, some document, that addresses that … oh, yeah, the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution (which I presume he swore to uphold and defend).

Geez, I only have a high school education and I understand this stuff. Would that qualify me to be elected to Alabama’s Supreme Court, because Chief Justice Roy Moore sure isn’t qualified to be there.