
Video: Trump Audience Member on TSA: "Get Rid of All These Heeby Jobbies They Wear"

Shimshon6/30/2016 6:44:17 pm PDT

re: #197 HappyWarrior

Nixon is the one who commuted Hoffa’s sentence IIRC. I always found it ironic that conservatives while staunchly anti-union that one of the few unions they did show support to were the Teamsters who were notoriously corrupit and mob tied. That gets me to another point regarding RFK’s brother, FJK is always called mob helped but that ignores that Nixon actually had some ties too.

I did not know about Hoffa having his sentence commuted. Figures that tricky Dick.

I am almost done with that RFK book and it is really interesting. One of the best non fiction I’ve ever read. I learned so much and RFK is my new hero.