
Hillary Clinton Posts Epic Tweet Storm With 20 Questions for Donald Trump

Timothy Watson9/14/2016 3:02:39 pm PDT

I so fucking sick of these fuckers, their enablers in sports and at colleges:

Delaney Robinson, a sophomore at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, held a press conference on Tuesday during which she accused Allen Artis, a fellow student and football player, of raping her. What’s more, 19-year-old Robinson said that while she cooperated with law enforcement and campus officials in the wake of the incident, the school has failed to adequately investigate her allegations.

“My life has changed forever,” Robinson told reporters, “while the person who assaulted me continues as a student and a football player on this campus.”

On Wednesday, Artis turned himself in to authorities. According to CNN, he was released on a $5,000 bond and is scheduled to appear in court on Thursday. He has also been suspended indefinitely from the football team.The alleged assault took place back in February at an apartment complex on campus. Robinson says she went to the hospital and was examined by a nurse trained in sexual assaults. A rape kit was administered. She also met with investigators with the school’s department of public safety, whom she says subjected her to “humiliating and accusatory questions.”

What was I wearing? What was I drinking? How much did I drink? How much did I eat that day? Did I lead him on? Have I hooked up with him before? Do I often have one night stands? Did I even say no? What is my sexual history? How many men have I slept with? I was treated like a suspect.

My humiliation turned to anger when I listened to the recorded interviews of my rapist by DPS. Rather than accusing him of anything, the investigators spoke to him with a tone of comradery. They provided reassurances to him when he became upset. They even laughed with him when he told them how many girls’ phone numbers he had managed to get on the same night he raped me. They told him, “don’t sweat it, just keep on living your life and playing football.”