
Mickey Guyton: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert

EPR-radar11/10/2020 2:09:05 am PST

re: #200 Dr Lizardo

It’s an extraordinarily cynical ploy by the GOP to be sure. I doubt anyone of them are thinking in terms of a body count, most likely because in their rarified world, such a possibility is unthinkable. Nonetheless, if I had the ear of men like McConnell, or Graham or whomever, I’d be urging them to put the kibosh on this bullshit now - before things get out of hand and we do, in fact, end up with a body count.

The sheer stupidity of these GOP establishment types is also irritating. They don’t have control over their base and they know it because Trump won the primary in 2016.

But here they are, playing with forces they don’t have a prayer of controlling if things go pear-shaped, just to cling to their fucking power.