
Colbert: Russia's War Machine Slowed by Cheap Gear and Expired Rations

austin_blue3/11/2022 5:29:29 pm PST

I think it’s pretty clear that we have tentacles into Russian Comms that the Russians had no idea we had.

We are releasing a level of Intel to the public and, more importantly, to Ukraine that is fucking the Russians right up the butt.

This has got the Russians as nervous as a cat in in a room full of rocking chairs.

We have a joint-use base in Turkey called Incirlik in a city called Adana. We have a squadron of KC-135’s there.

We also have a weapons storage area there. There are bombs there. There are cruise missiles there. There are rumors that there are nukes there. (I know for a fact that it was true in 1982, when I flew into Incirlik.)

A B-52H can carry 20 cruise missiles with a range of 1,100 kms (700 miles) and fly through Turkey into the Black Sea and release those twenty missiles to destroy the majority of Putin’s long-range bomber force in a city called Engels on the Volga river and never get anywhere near Russian Air Defense assets.

You should look it up on Google Maps! Just look at all those bombers lined up on the ramp!

If we attacked Russia with conventional weapons inside Russia, would he launch nukes in retaiation?

I don’t think so.