
Ann Coulter and the Council of Conservative Citizens, Part Deux

lawhawk2/15/2009 7:20:58 pm PST

re: #180 Killian Bundy

Say did anyone happen to notice that after all the rush to cram through the “stimulus” bill, there really is no rush?

I guess those “3.6 million Americans who wake up every day wondering how they are going to pay their bills, stay in their homes and provide for their children” can suffer for four extra days so Obama can have his photo op, after he enjoys his three day weekend in Chicago.

/Emanuel you magnificent bastard!

The rush to pass it through Congress was to avoid any serious debate about the provisions therein and tempering expectations. If it was truly a crisis, Obama would have signed it already, but he’s looking for the photo ops and the news coverage that a weekday offers, not passage on a holiday weekend when many folks are away or trying to get their mind off the economy.