
Charges of IDF 'Wanton Killing' Crumble

The Undead Buddy Holly3/26/2009 4:17:41 pm PDT

re: #201 Eowyn2

What we do know - from common sense.

1) the tunnels are not for carrying baby milk into gaza
2) thousands (yes, thousands) of false stories and pictures have been reported, staged, and adapted to make the Israelis look bad and the Palistinians (and/or Hezbos) look like the offended party.
3) the ratio of stories bombs into Israel VS actions by Israel are way off the charts in favor of actions by Israel which results in people actually believing that Israel has nothing better to do than kill Palestinians.
4) Palestine is NOT a country
5) Israel is a country

If the people of Nortwest Territories suddenly started raining bombs down on Saskatoon, Saskatchewan because they wanted the northpole to the 48th parallel, would the Canadian gvmt have reason for recourse (I really wanted to say Saskatoonians)

1) Irrelevavt to this discussion, which is my assertation that the IDF brigade commander’s investigation is hardly a credible refutation of the allegations.
2) True. Thousands, (yes thousands) of Palestinian woman and children have been killed by the IDF also. Not all of them were “collateral damage”.
3) Ho-hum. Everybody claims media bias. I know others who will claim the exact opposite regarding U.S. media coverage of the conflict. CAMERA, which the post linked to, has a blatant pro-Israel bias. All of which is irrelevant to the discussion.
4) Irrelevant.
5) Irrelevant.
Your final question is easily answered with of course the Canadians have a right to defend their country. They would not be justified in deliberately killing civilians. I would hope you and I agree on that at least.

BTW, I generally find Israel to hold the moral high ground in the ME conflicts. But I am not a sucker for propoganda from either side in a hate filled conflict. My point was, and is, saying the brigades commander’s “investigation” (yes, I meant to use scare quotes) is a credible refutation of the allegations is either disingenuous or incredibly naive.

If you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the local bar to look for women with low standards.