
A Scintillating Friday Evening Open Thread

3 wood8/14/2009 6:27:46 pm PDT

re: #149 shanec99

I am praying the recover holds… My IRA lost half of its value last year… so far I have made back about 50% of my losses… God please keep the recovery going… I cant afford a double dip recession.

You in mutual funds or actual stocks?

Don’t answer, I don’t need the specifics.

If you are in specific stocks, think about taking some money off the table and shifting to different sectors.

For example, (and again I will be real careful here to avoid touting specific stocks) one could possibly theoretically think about what materials one might possibly shift to in building cars to lighten them up and get better gas mileage.

Think real hard.

Geez, I feel like Rick Blaine in Casa Blanca asking the young man at the roulette wheel “Have you tried number 22 yet tonight?”