
What Racism at the Tea Parties?

simoom1/04/2010 3:09:22 pm PST

theatlanticwire.comre: #108 Summer

Hi everyone! Sarah here!

Oh, hi there Sarah!

I enjoyed your interview with O’Reilly — I watched the rebroadcast the other day. You really are just like Evita!

O’REILLY: You’re a populist.

PALIN: A populist, yes.

O’REILLY: Do you know what they’re calling you now?


O’REILLY: Evita.

PALIN: Well.

O’REILLY: Eva Peron.

PALIN: Uh-huh.

O’REILLY: That’s who they’re calling you now.

Also, good luck running for President, you’ve totally got it in the bag.

O’REILLY: Do you believe that you are smart enough, incisive enough, intellectual enough to handle the most powerful job in the world?

PALIN: I believe that I am because I have common sense. And I have, I believe, the values that are reflective of so many other American values. And I believe that what Americans are seeking is not the elitism, the kind of a spinelessness that perhaps is made up for that with some kind of elite Ivy League education and a fact resume that’s based on anything but hard work and private sector, free enterprise principles. Americans could be seeking something like that in positive change in their leadership. I’m not saying that has to be me.