
ADL Opposes Park51 Community Center

Mad Prophet Ludwig7/30/2010 1:18:23 pm PDT

This one boggles me. This thread boggles me. The ADL boggles me in this case. This is just wrong on so many levels.

They are not building a mosque at ground zero.

Anyone who looks at a map of NY knows that.

The land at ground zero is going to be turned into some form of corporate real estate anyway. It is not going to end up as a park or a national memorial. At best, there will be a little statue or plaque about the WTC in one of the buildings the gets built. This fact is vastly more offensive than some mosque being built some blocks away. Everyone knows this as well.

And along comes ADL, usually a good organization and they have to say crap like they just did about it all.

It is not a very wide step from saying you can’t build a mosque to saying you can’t build a synagogue or a certain church. Of all the organizations on the planet that should be keenly aware of that fact, the ADL should. This is a disgrace.

Either we believe in the values and promise of America and American freedoms for all Americans - or sooner, rather than later, we shall loose those freedoms. This is an argument that is not only true, but one which the ADL has made many times.

This is a travesty.