
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

Lidane8/22/2010 5:26:16 pm PDT

re: #194 Linden Arden

Pfft. If the demonstrators knew anything, they’d know:

1. It’s not a mosque. It’s a community center.
2. It’s not at Ground Zero itself, but rather several blocks away.
3. There’s an actual mosque closer to Ground Zero already. Been there for decades, but no one is kicking a fuss about it now.
4. There’s an actual mosque INSIDE the Pentagon, which was also attacked on 9/11. Not blocks away from it, but inside the building. Not a peep from these bigots about it at all.

The fact that these knuckleheads are out there screaming about a Ground Zero mosque just proves how easily manipulated some folks are. These are the rubes and the useful idiots that make assholes like Glenn Beck, Fox News, and Rush Limbaugh a whole lot of money.