
The GOP's War on Climate Science

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce10/08/2010 2:02:33 pm PDT

re: #164 lostlakehiker

The people they have any chance of persuading are part of the vast majority who do not themselves have much of a knack for science, or much of an education in it.

If most people’s experience is anything like mine, a large portion of this is due to the way that science classes are taught. I know there are some inspired and inspiring teachers out there, but with one or two exceptions, all the science teachers I had seemed to do their dead-level best to make it seem as dry and boring as possible. There were no Phil Plaits or Neil DeGrasse Tysons in any of the schools I went to. Just like with history classes, it was rote memorization of raw data, with no context and no attempt to convey how any of it is at all relevant.