
Matthews to Bachmann: 'Are You Hypnotized?'

researchok11/03/2010 3:17:39 pm PDT

re: #186 LudwigVanQuixote

Homeschooling and religious schools - those things that would profit the most from the GOP plan to completely gut free public education - I mean the voucher program are what would result. It would create more loons like that in states like that. Bad idea.

Not so fast.

In cities like DC, poor and minority families are lining up for vouchers (Catholic schools, mostly). The competition is so intense in many places they have instituted a lottery system.

Money has been poured into urban public schools systems for decades- and we both know the result (not enough lipstick, LVQ).

We both know where the problem lies- but that is a third rail issue. I’d be for throwing yet more money at public schools- but the way things are now, that is a bottomless money pit.

Until that unspoken ‘third rail’ is dealt with (and their leadership booted for good) I’ll back vouchers. I’m not happy but I’m a pragmatist.