
Now the Right Wants to Redefine 'Preventive' to Exclude Contraceptives

theheat2/07/2011 11:48:02 am PST
“Pregnancy is not a disease to be prevented, nor is fertility a pathological condition,” said Deirdre A. McQuade, a spokeswoman for the bishops’ Pro-Life Secretariat. “So birth control is not preventive care, and it should not be mandated.”

First, I’m not interested in the opinion of a person representing a religion - any religion - that sees women as broodmares, believes sperm has more rights than adults, views homosexuality as a sin, trains for exorcisms, thinks birth control is evil, and denies the importance of condoms to prevent the spread of AIDS.

The backwards religious and the uptight both have a freaky world view of SEX. They believe sex is only supposed to be between a married man and woman, and all procreation should be viewed as some kind of blessed magical event. Women who have sex outside of marriage are promiscuous whores that deserve what they get, men are “cads” (winky winky), and gays are unfortunate creatures who at best may be cured through prayer, or at worst deserve to die.

In order to keep people’s sexuality at bay, the backwards religious and uptight want to impose CONSEQUENCES to having sex. One of those consequences is inhibiting the ability to prevent pregnancy by any means necessary, whether it’s birth control pills, IUDs, condoms, morning after pills, or even legal abortion. They make no distinction between pregnancy resulting from a one night stand, a longtime partner, a contraception mistake, or even a rapist. Once an egg is fertilized, all bets are off, and rights go to the zygote.

Like most things from a purely religious perspective, the facts of pregnancy aren’t necessarily supported by scripture:

- Zygotes are not people.
- Eggs can be fertilized in test tubes. There’s nothing divine or predestined about sperm meeting an egg.
- Not all people want to be become parents as a result of having sex.
- Not all people can support an endless amount of pregnancies.
- The world itself cannot support an endless amount of pregnancies.

It’s time, once and for all, the backwards religious and uptight take their collective feet off the throats of people existing in the real world, of the here and now. Their gobbledygook, anti-science, anti-fact, damning views are incompatible with the world as a whole. Their influence on people’s private and reproductive rights only serve to keep the entire world dumbed down and cocooned in a comfort zone that exists only between pages of cherry-picked religious text.

Let these backwards religious and uptight people quietly fuck off, and stop manipulating the whole of society. Like the tube radio, it’s time for them to either modernize or shut up and get the fuck out.